Sunday, December 20, 2009

Frisco Library Game Day - Dec 19th, 2009

I've been delinquent with posts here. Hopefully, I can catch up on some recent gaming activities over the holidays.

We had our last game day at the Frisco Public Library this Saturday, Dec 19th, 2009. Here is a slideshow with some pictures from the event.

Some highlights:
GMT Games donated a copy of Command & Colors: Ancients to be given away. Tod Wolf was the lucky winner.
From 2009_12_19: Frisco Library Game Day

We also had a White Elephant Game Exchange. You can see many of the games on the table in the background of this picture.
From 2009_12_19: Frisco Library Game Day

We also had the largest turn out for a library game day this year - 20+ people showed up for gaming!