"Napoleon in Europe" with Mark W, Troy, and Mark B.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
More Gameday Pictures July 27 2013
Sandra and James - "Star Trek: Fleet Captains"; "Commands and Colors: Ancients" ?, Sarah, and Mikel; "Commands and Colors: Ancients" Emily and Greg.
Some July 27 2013 Gameday Pictures
Games in progress are "A Few Acres of Snow" with Rich and Joseph, "The Guns of Gettyburg" with Mick and Al, and "Commands and Colors: Ancients" with the Blanchett family and Mikel.
North Texas Gamers @ Madness Games & Comics
We held our first game day at Madness Games and Comics new location this past Saturday. When you think Comic and Game store you usually expect a small and cramped location. This place is the total opposite. The owner Chris has made this the premier location, my opinion, in DFW for gaming and shopping for games.
We had about 18 people, with some first timers, show up around 10 am. After some meet and greet it was time to set up the games. In the picture, working from foreground to background, we have Angola!, Star Trek: Fleet Captains, The Guns of Gettysburg, and Commands and Colors: Ancients Epic. Also played but not in the picture are A Few Acres of Snow and Napoleon in Europe.
It was a great turnout. Our next game day is on August 24th at the same locale.