Saturday, September 26, 2009

Space Hulk 3rd Edition

After playing Britannia at the Frisco Public Library, I played three games of Space Hulk, 3rd edition with Cody. We played the first scenario, Suicide Mission, three times. We played the Marine activation points wrong the first two games. In those two games the Marines never made it past the first room (actually some Marines were still in the starting hallway) before the Genestealers were upon them. I erroneously thought the number of command points drawn were all that the Marines had instead of the each Marine having 4 command points plus the bonus command points from the chit draw.

In the third game Cody took the Marines again and at least got his men past the first room and down the hall before the Flame thrower guy got killed ending the scenario.


Nevin said...

I didn't know you picked this up. I'm afraid to ask you how you like it since you missed such a critical rule about the Space Marines' APs.

MervD said...

whaaa? John miss a rule!?!

Nevin said...


John said...

Yup! Went right over it. I kept telling Cody there was something wrong with the game. The Marines were getting no where.